The bride’s bouquet is also commonly known as the bridal bouquet. The entire wedding process that will accompany the bride is a symbol of the bride’s happy love. Let me introduce to you below common bridal bouquets
Hemispherical bouquet
Hemispherical bouquets are made by tying flowers into a neat hemispherical shape and are the most common style of bouquets. It is a semicircle when viewed from the side and a perfect sphere when viewed from the front. The styles and effects are different whether made with main flower materials or with broken flowers.
Hemispherical bouquets made of roses and other flowers are the most classic. A hemispherical bouquet is semicircular when viewed from the side. Bundle the flower stems directly by hand or use the handle of the tori. The bride holds a bouquet, which forms a complete circle when viewed from the front
Using a variety of flowers or broken flowers to create a semi-circular bouquet can highlight the cute temperament
Ball bouquets
A spherical bouquet is different from a hemispherical bouquet in that it is a complete sphere. The spherical bouquet can be in the form of a hand-held bouquet or a hand-held bouquet made of ribbons or pendants.
Use rattan braiding to increase the shape changes of the flower bulbs. It can create unique spherical bouquets
Crescent bouquets
The flowers are bundled into a curved shape, like a crescent moon, so it is called a crescent-shaped bouquet. Both sides of the crescent-shaped bouquet have symmetrical curves, but there are also two sides with different lengths.
The curvature of the crescent bouquet can be very large or only slightly curved. It can be determined according to the required visual effects. The main flower of the crescent-shaped bouquet is basically in the center. The curved parts are mostly long-stemmed flowers or leaves. The reverse crescent shape is more difficult to make. But very unique and very effective
Waterfall bouquets
Waterfall-shaped bouquets use long, drooping flowers to make the entire bouquet flow downward like a waterfall. There are more changes in waterfall-shaped bouquets than other types of bouquets, and the length and shape can be freely change.
The flowing lines and length of the hanging flower tails of the waterfall-shaped bouquet can be change according to your needs. Small waterfall bouquets similar to teardrop bouquets. But the flower tail has more changes and is more natural. The large waterfall-shaped bouquet has a gorgeous tail. Flowers can be insert all the way to the end of the flower. All the flowers are bundle with long flowers to allow them to hang down naturally. Such a bouquet is full of pastoral style
Drop-shaped bouquets
The drop-shaped bouquet is similar to the waterfall-shaped bouquet, both have drooping flower tails, but the length of the drop-shaped bouquet is shorter, and the shape remains in the reverse drop-shaped shape with a round top and a pointed bottom. The lines are smooth, giving the bouquet an elegant temperament. The drop-shaped bouquet resembles a diamond It compared with waterfall-shaped bouquets, drop-shaped bouquets are more delicate and regular. It is suitable for gentle and steady brides. You can also increase the size of the drop-shaped bouquet. Just be careful to maintain the teardrop look
Arm bouquet
An arm-shape bouquet is a bouquet made of tied flower stems. The bouquet stretches vertically and can be leaned on the arm, so it is called an arm-shaped bouquet. Arm bouquets mostly use long-stem or spike-shaped flowers, such as calla lilies, lilies, violets, orchids, etc.
The arm-shape bouquet can be place in the crook of the arm with an elegant posture. It suitable for brides with slender figures or those wearing fishtail wedding dresses. Arm-shaped bouquets are suitable for long-stemmed flowers such as calla lilies. It’s emphasis on the decoration of the stems. Arm-shaped bouquets can also be made with lavender and dried flowers. It’s resh style is completely different from traditional bouquets
Free style bouquets
Free-style bouquets are bouquets that are not restrict in shape, size, etc. and can be freely display. The original intention of free-style bouquets is to maintain the natural characteristics of the flowers, reduce unnecessary modifications, and make them more refreshing and casual, close to nature.
You can choose your favorite flower materials and colors for free bouquets. It is extremely high degree of freedom, looks free and easy
Handheld bouquets
As the name suggests, a portable bouquet is a hanging bouquet with a special shape, available in styles such as pendants, flower baskets or flower bags. Portable bouquets are a rather unique type of bouquet. There are many varieties and variations.
Such types of portable bouquets also include flower baskets, flower bags, and even flower umbrellas
Ring bouquet
Ring bouquets are hand-held flowers made into the shape of a wreath, decorated with ribbons and other accessories. They replace traditional bouquets of special-shaped bouquets, most of which are portable.
So, which one do you prefer?